
Terminal Web Search

Terminal Web Search

Terminal Web Search


9 days

Terminal Tool


9 days

Terminal Tool


9 days

Terminal Tool



Terminal-Web-Search is a command-line tool that allows users to search popular websites like YouTube, Google, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, Medium, Spotify, Wikipedia, and GitHub with just one command from the terminal.


After completing the installation steps, you can use the following commands to perform web searches for specific websites:

  • Google: s g search_query

  • YouTube: s yt search_query

  • Medium: s md search_query

  • Reddit: s rt search_query

  • Spotify: s sp search_query

  • Pinterest: s pt search_query

  • GitHub: s gt search_query

  • Twitter: s x search_query

  • Wikipedia: s wk search_query

Replace search_query with your actual search query.

Supported Websites

Terminal-Web-Search supports the following popular websites:

  • Google (g)

  • YouTube (yt)

  • Medium (md)

  • Reddit (rt)

  • Spotify (sp)

  • Pinterest (pt)

  • GitHub (gt)

  • Twitter (x)

  • Wikipedia (wk)

Feel free to expand this list based on your preferences and needs.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



Terminal-Web-Search is a command-line tool that allows users to search popular websites like YouTube, Google, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, Medium, Spotify, Wikipedia, and GitHub with just one command from the terminal.


After completing the installation steps, you can use the following commands to perform web searches for specific websites:

  • Google: s g search_query

  • YouTube: s yt search_query

  • Medium: s md search_query

  • Reddit: s rt search_query

  • Spotify: s sp search_query

  • Pinterest: s pt search_query

  • GitHub: s gt search_query

  • Twitter: s x search_query

  • Wikipedia: s wk search_query

Replace search_query with your actual search query.

Supported Websites

Terminal-Web-Search supports the following popular websites:

  • Google (g)

  • YouTube (yt)

  • Medium (md)

  • Reddit (rt)

  • Spotify (sp)

  • Pinterest (pt)

  • GitHub (gt)

  • Twitter (x)

  • Wikipedia (wk)

Feel free to expand this list based on your preferences and needs.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



Terminal-Web-Search is a command-line tool that allows users to search popular websites like YouTube, Google, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, Medium, Spotify, Wikipedia, and GitHub with just one command from the terminal.


After completing the installation steps, you can use the following commands to perform web searches for specific websites:

  • Google: s g search_query

  • YouTube: s yt search_query

  • Medium: s md search_query

  • Reddit: s rt search_query

  • Spotify: s sp search_query

  • Pinterest: s pt search_query

  • GitHub: s gt search_query

  • Twitter: s x search_query

  • Wikipedia: s wk search_query

Replace search_query with your actual search query.

Supported Websites

Terminal-Web-Search supports the following popular websites:

  • Google (g)

  • YouTube (yt)

  • Medium (md)

  • Reddit (rt)

  • Spotify (sp)

  • Pinterest (pt)

  • GitHub (gt)

  • Twitter (x)

  • Wikipedia (wk)

Feel free to expand this list based on your preferences and needs.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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